Sunday, October 26, 2008

Simchat Torah 5769

October 21, 2008
Photos by Adam Cohen
and Ira Gordon

On Simchat Torah, it is our AEMT tradition to consecrate all the children who are beginning their religious school education this year. First, we take a group photo of our entering class of 5769. Then, the children go upstairs to wait eagerly outside in the vestibule, holding tightly to their very own miniature Torahs, while the congregation begins our special Simchat Torah service in the sanctuary.

At the appropriate moment, the children are led into the sanctuary and they take their place on the bimah for a special consecration blessing. Then, with the rabbis and lay leaders of Anshe Emeth, the newly consecrated students lead a joyful hakafah through the entire congregation....

....and into Reitman Hall, where the dancing and celebration continue!

Members of our Junior Choir join Cantor Ott and Anshe Emeth's own Awesome Family Band to lead the singing as the dancing continues.

After the dancing, we go back into the sanctuary, unroll the Torahs, and listen to the rabbis chant the verses which complete the annual Torah reading cycle and begin again "in the beginning" with Beresheet. By the time we end the reading, the children are so comfortable that they go up to the bimah to help Rabbi Miller and Rabbi Fellman put the Torahs back into the Ark.

At the conclusion of the service, we all go back to Reitman Hall and celebrate the sweetness of Torah and of learning with candy and juice. It was a wonderful evening!

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